If you run a business that is of any size, internet hosting isn't just a luxury, it's an absolute requirement. The internet-connected world implies that companies must have sites, no matter if those websites only provide areas, contact information and hours of operation. Word of mouth can only get you to a certain point in the internet time at the end of the day. Local businesses are found out about new companies--even local ones--through Bing, Google, and Yahoo. The days of having to check you out through the local yellow pages is gone. When you do not have a shareable URL, your chances of gaining online reputation via social media are also slashed. That's right, there's no website, no searchability or money. Of course, hosting websites isn't only for business. It is possible to host your own personal website or blog, as well. In any case, the solutions are available. Webhosting services provide varying quantities of monthl...